Friday, December 14, 2007

Friday, November 09, 2007

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

New stuffs Yeeahhh!

ok, heres some new thingies while you wait. I know I'm not posting alot of these current paintings I've been doing, and it's hard, not showing them, and doing ALOT of them, so here's a couple to tide you over.

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Saturday, September 08, 2007

Breakin Tha Law!!

Ok, so I know I haven't posted in forever, but in the end, it'll be more worth it, because I started a series of small gouache paintings that I will put together into a little book. I'm NOT posting any of those online, but in the meantime, here are 2 pieces I just did today for fun.

They're both Gouache on 4" squares of Cold Press Illustration Board.

And now, to try and find out how to get my own work in Gallery shows. If any of you have any advice, please, do tell.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Concept and Practice

Well, did some more Gouache stuff this weekend, for fun and practice, and for a concept me and Daniel Stone are working on as an animated short film. First, and hard working bird, then 2 practice pieces, and a page of concept stuff for the short.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Canada Now!!!

Ok, so here's a sketch I did after Stone told me how jealous he was that the Pixar Interns get to redesign Hansel and Gretel. Also, 2 little gouache practice pieces last night, since I haven't done any painting since I got here, so I need to get my mojo back, and into painting again. Oh, and one other gouache piece, for good measure.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Ok, so I've been fairly busy lately. So close to moving..... So Close! Alright, so here are some sketches I've done lately.

I wanna do something, like, maybe a comic with this little guy.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Just some sketchin

in the meantime. Mostly for friends.

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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

What I'm up to...

So I've been busy with work, freelance, getting everything squared away for my move to New Brunswick, and every little thing that needs to be done. I've been able to squeeze a little bit of time to do some more gouache painting, here's a bit, but more to come.

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also, I need to finally make a finished animated short, that's for me, and for fun. Not for anything but that, on the side. I've been struggling for a while trying to come up with an idea for something to do that can look great, and be a ton of fun to make. I kind of stumbled on a silly idea, starring Rumpelstiltskin. Here is a sketch for your viewing pleasure.

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Also, if you know me, I almost NEVER do fanart, but I did this for a friend. I did it quite quickly, but here it is anyways

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Oh, AND I recieved my PASSPORT Today!!!!! Hooray for me!

I now leave you with a sketch of a robot. Expect to see some painted robots very soon.

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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Fat Kat and sketches

So I'm going to be moving up and over to New Brunswick Canada pretty soon here for a job at Fatkat Animation studios, and I've been fairly busy. But here's some sketches I've done recently

a fat cat
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a quick attempt at coloring
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this was for my little cousin
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and boredom
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more soon

Thursday, April 19, 2007


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ok, ok, so I'm trying to change up some things in the setup/format of my blog, and now I think that might've been a mistake. I guess we'll see. Till then, here's a little zombie boy named Jimmy!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Thursday, April 12, 2007


hey, yo, I got this posted over at my Press Start blog, and I know not many of you check that, but I'll be updating that tons soon.

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go check it yo

  • My Cartoon Press Start