Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Some Video Game Stuff!!!

This is some Video Game inspired Art I've done lately

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Gitaroo Mang

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Linkity Link Link

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The 3 Race Versions of Link from Majoras Mask, done a la Windwaker style

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And an old sketch of Megaman I did


samacleod said...

I saw your Megaman on your other blog right? Really love it. My little brother-in-law is 8 and has the hardest time playing Mega Man 3 for nintendo. I think games were harded then, what do you think?
Great color, Iza.

IZA said...

Dude, I've been playing alot more older/classic games lately, and MAN, Are they HARD!!! I mean, even though you're older and junk, it doesn't change, Old games in general are Hard as All Get out!!!

and thanks man!

Adrian Molina said...

Ah ha ha!

I just checked out your blog, and your drawings have a massive amount of style, very funny too. I love your Zelda drawings too. Back when I was in fifth grade, I remember finishing my math tests really quickly so that I could turn the page over and draw zelda fanart on them.

Keep it up sweetly!

geenpool said...

dodde. you've got some nice stuff heres. me likey. vury nice.

IZA said...

Thanks Adrian and Gene, Appreciate It!!!

Gerald de Dios said...

You've got such a great blog here! Lot's of fun illo's and sketches of some of my favorite video game characters. Really like your style.

Xelu said...

Funny jobs, GREAt ilustration¡¡¡